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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Salt: It Adds Not Only Flavor to Our Food, but Our Lives As Well

Wikipedia defines common salt or sodium chloride (NaCl), as a mineral that is essential to not only human function, but is one of our five basic tastes.  Too much can be harmful to our health (blood pressure, heart, etc.), and too little in a recipe can cheat us out of the full flavoring that a foodstuff has to offer (2015). Setting aside the culinary aspect, it begs the question: What other medicinal benefits can we reap from this gift of the Earth?  Today we are going to venture into the world of halotherapy, also known as “salt therapy”.
     Danica Collins, columnist for the Underground Health Reporter, describes the origin of halotherapy as follows:

“Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, prescribed saltwater inhalation therapy for bronchial and lung disorders.  Today, the intentional use of salt for medicinal purposes is called “salt therapy” (also halotherapy, from the Greek word halos for salt, and spleotherapy, from the Latin word spalenca for cave)”.

     Ms Collins further relates that salt caves were used as far back as the mid 1800s to treat and improve the symptoms of diseases such as: asthma, psoriasis, congestion, and sinusitis.  Additionally, the author noted that spleotherapy originated in Poland in the 1950s when healthcare workers discovered that salt miners rarely suffered from tuberculosis. Collins also named a few studies which demonstrated the benefits of spending time in natural salt caves (2015).  Since most of us may not live near a natural salt cave, how can we reap the benefits of the same?

     An increasingly popular movement in the United States is the construction of artificial caves using Himalayan or other equivalent form of rock salt.  Zajac, etal, noted that due to an ever increasing degradation of air quality, people are seeking an environment without pollution that is replicated in a natural salt cave microclimate (2014).  These authors conducted a study of 303 Polish citizens and made the following observations and recommendations concerning artificial caves:

1.      A therapeutic cave uses a salt generator that produces a dry salt aerosol within the room.  This is a purified air which is kept at a temperature between 64 and 71 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity of 50-60%.  When the air crosses the salt walls it releases the microelements: iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, copper selenium, and bromine.  The authors stated that the inhaled aerosol contains both anti-inflammatory and bactericidal (bacterial-killing) properties.  The above noted conditions are essential in order to reap the most health benefits.

2.      The use of a salt generator is equivalent to being in a salt mine or by the sea.  In caves that were constructed without one, the concentrations of the microelements were negligible.  The time spent in the cave was anywhere from 45 minutes (minimum) to upwards of 2 hours.

3.      A disadvantage to halotherapy is the attached cost, as it may require several sessions to notice improvement.  However, even one session will provide a participant a place to escape from the stresses of life.  Rest and relaxation are the order of the day in the salt cave (2014).

So what is it like to spend time in an artificial salt cave?

Salt Cave in Worth, Illinois
     A couple of weeks ago I visited the Salt Cave in Worth, Illinois.  This business is located in a strip mall unit off of a busy street running through this city, and from the exterior it was a very unassuming place.  I entered the main lobby area which was simply decorated and had a couch, and bench seats where customers can place their shoes, hang their coats, and wait for the next treatment time.  The staff is very pleasant and greets customers as they make entry into the facility.   The treatment is 45 minutes in length and starts every hour on the hour which is paid for prior to entry into the cave.
     After I removed my coat and shoes, the receptionist handed me a pair of blue foot coverings (similar to ones that you might see a surgeon or crime scene investigator wear as part of their professional apparel).  Myself and several other customers entered the cave through a brown, solid oak door approximately five minutes before the start of the session.  The first thing I noted was the lighted, ornate mosaic of dolphins that occupied the back wall of the cave.  The cave itself is designed to mimic a beach scene, and felt as such as I walked on the fine granulated “beach salt”.  Several zero gravity chairs were lined up like soldiers in a formation on the left and right side walls.  Blankets found on each chair doubled as either a covering on a pillow for comfort.  The walls and the ceiling were covered with thick layers of Himalayan salt that resembled stalactites that I recalled seeing as a young teenager in the Carlsbad Caverns of New Mexico.

     I descended into my chair of choice in the middle of the left side wall, leaned back, and quickly found myself in the horizontal position.  Even though the room was a comfortable temperature, I felt more relaxed under the cover of a blanket.  Exactly on the hour, the door was closed, the lights dimmed, and soft relaxation music that filled the room added an extra special touch to the experience.  I closed my eyes and began a deep meditative practice which sometimes found my mind drifting off to thoughts of past and future events.  I quickly refocused attention on my breath to center myself once again. 

    Before I knew it, 45 minutes passed by like the blink of an eye.  The lights were brought back to full strength, the door opened, and I exited with a renewed sense of purpose.  As I left the cave I promised myself that I would return to this little piece of “Hawaii” I could call my own, even if for just three-quarters of an hour at a time.  If you do not live near Worth, I highly recommend seeking a salt cave nearest to where you live.  Even if you do not seek the medicinal benefits, the relaxation experience is well worth the trip.  However, before adding this modality to any wellness regimen, please consult with your licensed healthcare provider to ensure that it will safely compliment an existing prescribed treatment plan.


Collins, D. (No date).  Salt Therapy A Powerful Healing Detoxifier.  Retrieved from on 2/13/2015.

Salt Cave Micro-Climate Center.  Retrieved from on 2/13/2015.

Wikipedia (2015).  Salt.  Retrieved from on 2/13/2015.

Zajac, et al (2014).  Salt caves as simulation of natural environment and significance of halotherapy.  Retrieved from on 2/13/2015.

Note: click on the green box that says open access full text to retrieve the PDF file for this study.

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