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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Let’s Talk About Love

Every day we are inundated with the latest and the greatest from social media . . . Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and so on.  Although I do not spend an inordinate amount of time on these outlets, when I do- I see something disheartening: Social Media has become a major platform that continues to feed the division in our Country.  Most notably along political ideology.

As I read the feeds I consistently find people I know strongly voicing his/her opinion about the hot button topic of the day.  Granted, we live in a free country that provides us the gift of free speech, where everyone has the inalienable right of expressing an opinion or be passionate about a cause.  However, when I look at a post or a tweet- I “listen” between the lines.

What I hear are voices that cry out in distress to the point it is making a person ill over the discontent in the village, state, country, and/or world in which he/she lives in.  It is fine to take up a cause, but at what cost to our health and quality of life?  How many friendships/relationships have been lost?  Please do not misunderstand me, I love the social media platforms as they have done many wonderful things to bring together groups of like-minded people who have created movement(s) to make this world a better place to live.  I belong to such groups that have helped me to grow as a person.

From now on if you ask me who I supported in an election, I am going to respond with: “I supported me, and the circle most near and dear to my heart” – whether it be a person(s), animal, or movement I believe in.  My goal is to do so in a way that gives me the freedom to improve the quality of life of both myself, and those in my circle.  Given all this- Let’s talk about love.

My vacation last week was all about noticing and following the universal signs.  Our adventure this year took us back to Door County, Wisconsin- leaving behind the stress and fast pace of city living.  On our way into the Door, I saw a billboard that read “Come See the Door County Sled Dogs”.  My first thought was “Now this is interesting”.  At the first chance I had, I searched for and found their website to see what this opportunity was all about.

The Door County Sled Dogs is an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 charitable organization that is dedicated to the rescue of the Husky- both pure and mixed breed.  They also provide public education to all who are interested in learning more about the responsibilities of caring for the Husky when brought home as a member of the family.  During the winter months, the team provides sled rides on Milwaukee County Park properties.

On the day of our visit, by universal chance, the owners of the Sled Dogs brought a team to the Education and Discovery Center for public interaction/photo opportunities.  For me, it was the most awesome and healing experience to hug and be “kissed” by these loving creatures while posing in front of the camera.  People, young and old- came out that day for an interaction that brought joy, happiness, and laughter to all who participated.

My point in telling you this story is this: While the Door County Sled Dogs organization might not be able to change the state of local, national, and world affairs on a grand scale- they are able to change the quality of life for those rescued animals, as well as the “circle” who gathered and are interested in their welfare.  At the end of the day what matters most is how this organization is making this world a better place to live in a gentle, loving way.  Click on the link (Door County Sled Dogs) to learn more.

We all have something we are most passionate about.  Sometimes this can entrench us in a bitter battle and place us at odds with others who hold an opposing view.  When this happens, take note of how this affects your wellbeing.  Ask yourself “Is it worth it?” or “Can I do it in a different way?”  On the morning I first sat down to pen this post, I received yet a second universal sign in the form of a tweet which is apropos to this discussion:

“Fight against something and we focus on the thing we hate.  Fight for something and we focus on the thing we love” - Simon Sinek

Sending you Reiki love and light,


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